Analist Risc Junior - RISC Monitorizare si Analiza Portofoliu

Fixed term contract|Romania|Risks

Analist Risc Junior - RISC Monitorizare si Analiza Portofoliu

  • Romania
  • Fixed term contract
  • Risks


Responsabilitati principale:

    ·       Participates in monitoring the loan credit portfolio: performs analysis from several sources & ensures results correlation;

    ·       Contributes to making prospective estimates regarding the volume of provisions;

    ·       Actively involved in the process of reporting and reconciling the portfolio.


    Competente necesare:

    ·       Bachelor’s degree in finance, accounting or any finance related degree;

    ·       Critical thinking and problem-solving abilities;

    ·       Data analytics skills; SAS knowledge will be an advantage;

    ·       Good Excel working knowledge;

    ·       Good interpersonal skills, detail oriented, self-motivated and organized;

    ·       Ability to learn new concepts quickly; genuine interest in developing in Risk area;

    ·       Opportunity to build a long-term career alongside a professional team.

    Ce oferim:

    • Oportunitati de invatare si dezvoltare in mod constant, activitate dinamica
    • Un climat de incredere, in care incurajam colaborarea, schimbul de opinii si de experienta
    • Mediu de lucru foarte deschis, suntem energici si dispusi sa ne ajutam oricand unii pe ceilalti
    • Comunicare deschisa, transparenta, cerem si oferim feedback
    • Suport oferit in perioada de integrare si oricand este necesar
    • Posibilitatea de a te implica in proiecte noi, de a fi creativ, de a identifica solutii pentru eficientizarea activitatii
    • Parerea ta este importanta pentru noi si opinia iti este ascultata


    BRD se angajeaza sa promoveze diversitatea, echitatea si incluziunea. Suntem mandri sa oferim un mediu de lucru unde diversitatea de medii, culturi, idei si experiente stimuleaza inovatia si creativitatea. Indiferent de identitate, candidatura si competentele tale vor fi analizate in mod obiectiv si echitabil.

    BRD este un angajator cu sanse egale, oferind oportunitati de cariera candidatilor si angajatilor, indiferent de gen, varsta, orientare sexuala, dizabilitati, religie, sau orice alta caracteristica individuala.

    BRD is committed to promote diversity, equity and inclusion. We are proud to offer a work environment where diversity of backgrounds, cultures, ideas and experiences boost innovation and creativity.

    Regardless of your identity, your application and competences will be considered objectively and fairly. BRD is an equal opportunities employer, offering career opportunities to applicants and employees regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, religion or any other individual feature



    We are an equal opportunities employer and we are proud to make diversity a strength for our company. Societe Generale is committed to recognizing and promoting all talents, regardless of their beliefs, age, disability, parental status, ethnic origin, nationality, gender identity, sexual orientation, membership of a political, religious, trade union or minority organisation, or any other characteristic that could be subject to discrimination.

    Reference: 24000LNU
    Entity: BRD
    Starting date: immediate
    Publication date: 2024/09/19