V.I.E. Business Analyst
CLD (Client Lifecycle and Digital) is the global cross-business client management division of Global Business Technology & Operations Service Unit (GBTO) for Société Générale. CLD’s mission is to deliver a state-of-the art digital platform, targeting both our staffs and clients and covering pre-trade, execution and post-trade activities, and to grow our client knowledge and deliver a seamless experience through the client lifecycle, whilst protecting the Bank.
As part of the Digital Office, our team is at the foremost of technology in Societe Generale. We aim to be API first and integrate services in our B2B platform https://www.sgmarkets.com/. You will be surrounded and experiment with various technologies such as cognitive services or cloud providers that contribute to our digital transformation.
You will join the Digital Office of CXS (Client eXperience Steering) department. Digital Client Experience is an IT team and has primary responsibility for:
- Build, Maintain and Provide technical support to the core systems that are used primarly by Sales, CLD team and other functions within the bank related to Client Onboarding Process
- Innovate, provide automated solutions and accompany the change
Selected by the SG Americas executive committee, the projects and innovative ideas you will work on are strategic topics that are expected to bring value to the bank and come with high visibility. These projects may impact different departments in the bank which is a great opportunity to learn about multiple businesses and their activity in detail.
Due to the VIE eligibility criteria, a questionnaire will be provided. Please make sure to answer all the questions for an efficient analysis of your application.
Profile required
PLEASE NOTE that since this program is primarily an international development program, candidates cannot apply to a VIE assignment in their own country of citizenship.
To facilitate the examination of your application by our English-speaking managers, we thank you for applying in English.
Studies & experience:
- Graduate with a Master degree from Engineering, Computer Science, or a relevant field
Language skills:
- Fluent in English - ability to communicate in English, both orally and in writing, is a requirement as the person in this position will need to collaborate regularly with colleagues and partners in the United States and abroad.
Technical, operational & soft skills:
- Good communication and presentation skills
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
- Strong experience in projects in Agile as BA or similar
- Strong team player, rigor and sense of ownership
- Excellent verbal and written communication, ability to lead meetings
- Autonomy, ability to balance and plan the short-term & long-term actions
- Creative and innovative mindset
- Experience in SQL, data transformation, BI/Reporting, and BPMN is a plus
- Experience with Python, Javascript, TypeScript or similar is a plus
The VIE assignment in a nutshell
This VIE in Montreal is to begin on 01/10/2025, but you need to plan 3 months between your application date and the beginning of your VIE assignment. It will last 24 months.
In case a Visa is necessary, please make sure your passport is valid up to 6 months after the end of the VIE contract to not delay your departure.
The VIE is a specific contract, under Business France’s eligibility criteria, opened to candidates under 28 and from the member states of the European Economic Space. For further information (including your financial indemnities), please see Mon VIE-VIA Business France.
Why join us
As soon as you arrive, you will be integrated into our teams and will learn every day alongside our experts, who will support you in your tasks. Gradually, you will become more independent in your projects, making this experience a real career accelerator. You will also discover all the diversity of our businesses, in a sector that is constantly evolving and innovating.
At the end of your VIE, various opportunities could be offered to you, in Canada and abroad.
Business insight
At Societe Generale, we are convinced that people are drivers of change, and that the world of tomorrow will be shaped by all their initiatives, from the smallest to the most ambitious.
Whether you’re joining us for a period of months, years or your entire career, together we can have a positive impact on the future. Creating, daring, innovating and taking action are part of our DNA.
If you too want to be directly involved, grow in a stimulating and caring environment, feel useful on a daily basis and develop or strengthen your expertise, you will feel right at home with us!
Still hesitating?
You should know that our employees can dedicate several days per year to solidarity actions during their working hours, including sponsoring people struggling with their orientation or professional integration, participating in the financial education of young apprentices, and sharing their skills with charities. There are many ways to get involved.