Video interview tips

Due to changes in recruiting trends related to the pandemic and the growing process of digitalisation taking place in our society, it is likely that your next job interview will be a video interview. What is a video interview, I hear you ask?
This is a type of interview that takes place remotely, whether by telephone or over video call. There are certain differences with traditional in-person interviews that you should anticipate, and certain digital interviewing skills that it’s useful to master ahead of time, so job seekers – pay attention! To prepare for your video interview and make a good impression on HR managers, employers and recruiters alike, keep in mind our video interview tips and everything will go well!

How to prepare for a video interview?

  • Remember the two C’s: calm and connection. Warn your housemates in advance: no little brother playing on his PS5 in the background (that uses up bandwidth), with his friends (that makes noise!)
  • Make sure you have access to the platform the video interview will be taking place on: Skype, Teams, Zoom, Google Meets etc.
  • Do a test run – know how to access the meeting, how to share your screen.
  • Choose a professional username. Unless you’re applying to DreamWorks, the recruiter doesn’t have to nickname you Shrek…
  • Test your Wi-Fi connection and your IT equipment: your microphone, camera, battery level etc. If you’re choosing to use a tablet, make sure it’s well balanced. If at all possible, avoid using a smartphone.
  • Adjust your equipment: centre your face in the middle of the screen, check the volume.
  • Deactivate email, SMS and social media notifications, and turn off automatic updates – anything which is likely to pop up during the interview.
  • Close applications which might interfere with the webcam and the internet navigation tabs.
  • Have your digital CV open on the screen so you can reference it during the interview if needed.
Other important advice you may not have considered:
  • If the recruiter isn’t in the same country as you, adjust the time of the interview according to the time difference.
  • If the call takes place outside a meeting platform, arrange who will call who first.

Choose the correct environment

  • Prioritise a calm and well-lit room, where you won’t have distracting sounds and visuals – keep the windows closed.
  • Make sure the background is tidy and free from random objects – one option is to ‘blur’ the background, which ensures your background remains neutral.

What to wear for a video interview ?

Dress for a video interview like you would for one in person from head… to toe. It’s better to be safe than sorry! Your future employer must never, in an unlucky turn of events, discover your pyjama bottoms! What’s more, dressing like you were going to an in-person interview will boost your self-confidence.

How to be self-confident during a video interview ?

  • Stay calm and composed
  • Keep eye contact. Look at the camera and nothing else
  • Sit up straight on a chair
  • Take notes and have them before you, if need be. For example, answers to potential video interview questions
  • Prepare in advance a video interview introduction
  • In order to be able to share your documents as the conversation goes on, prepare them in advance and have them on hand
  • Take care of how you leave the interview by disconnecting properly
Top tip: Put your CV in the corner of the screen: you can read it without having to lose track of what you were saying or looking elsewhere than the camera.

What are the signs a video interview went well ?

An interview may have gone well if it went on longer than expected, if the recruiter seemed genuinely curious about you, and if you asked questions naturally that weren’t rehearsed. Of course, one way to find out is to send a thank you email and ask for feedback from your recruiters.



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