Step-by-step: how to write an internship cover letter (with templates)

You are looking for a new internship opportunity and you just found the posting of your dreams. You must now undergo the application process, and the recruiter requires a cover letter. This document, although essential, is not always easy to draft. What is the best cover letter format? Are there some guidelines you need to follow? What are the dos and don’ts? In this article, you will find all our tips and internship cover letter examples to master your application!

What is a cover letter and what is its purpose?

A cover letter supports and complements your CV. It provides additional information about your skills or experiences which are relevant for the internship you are applying for. Factual and concise, a cover letter usually includes three or four paragraphs and should not be longer than one page. This document plays an essential role in your application, as it represents the first impression you leave to the employer.

Why is a cover letter important for internship applications?

Some people might think that writing a cover letter is a waste of time, as we can’t be certain that recruiters will read our letter. True enough. But here is why it is important:

  • 1. Interest. It is a way to prove to the hiring manager that you have spent time on your application and that you are really motivated. It is even better if you can talk about the company and their upcoming projects to prove that you follow their activities and understand their needs.

  • 2. Attraction. If your profile catches their attention, it can be a chance for you to be chosen over another applicant who has similar qualities.

  • 3. Story. It gives you the opportunity to add details that are not on your resume – for example if you have changed sector or taken a break during your studies.

  • 4. Support material. Your letter will serve as a basis for your job interview and will help you prepare your speech and anticipate questions.

  • 5. Skills.It is a great way to show that you can actually write. Good writing skills are always appreciated.

How should you write a cover letter for an internship?

Recruiters do not only want to know about your professional history: they also expect a sales pitch. Why are you the best candidate for the role? Here is the most appropriate format for your letter.

  • Header:

  • That is the easiest part. Write your name, contact information, and the employer's contact information.

  • Greeting:

  • Be as specific as you can. If you know the name of the hiring manager who will be reviewing your application, do not hesitate to address them directly and to do a search on LinkedIn or the company's website. They sometimes introduce the team or share an organisation chart of the organisation. If you can't find this information, just write "Dear hiring manager".

  • First paragraph:

  • It needs to grab the reader's attention. Try to be original and creative to stand out. Maybe you can underline your performances in your previous job. Here are some examples:
    "In my last position, I had a reputation of being the best at managing young people in the team, and the trainees were always thankful for my help. I can help any employee maximise their efficiency and satisfaction in your company!"

    Or, as a trainee:

    “In my last traineeship, I was able to adapt to the needs of the team, who were not familiar with an essential IT tool for an urgent mission. By training hard, I was able to master the software within a few days and even explain it to the others.”
    You can also take it as an opportunity to explain why you are fond of this specific company. If you are a customer of a brand, briefly explain why. If the company inspires you for a specific reason, you can also praise them:
    "I have been a customer of this bank for many years, and I have always appreciated your sponsorship activities. I give a lot of credit to your fight against discrimination and your support for Paralympic sports."
    Do not hesitate to mention points in your life that could be useful for the job. For example, if you are applying as a UK marketing specialist, mention that you have lived in England for 5 years.

  • Second paragraph:

  • It is time to illustrate why you are an asset! What makes you suited for this position?
    In this section, try not to restate your resume. The recruiter already read it. Come up with two or three professional projects from your last position, or issues that you solved, and explain how you did so thanks to your skills and personality! Of course, these must refer to one of the qualifications the position you are aiming for requires.

  • Closing paragraph:

  • Briefly summarise why you are interested in the role as it supports your career goal. Also underline why you are the best fit one more time.
    Do not forget to add that you are looking forward to hearing from them, as a call-to-action, and add your signature.

Best practices for effectively writing a cover letter for an internship

The Dos

  • Spend time on the proofreading and the editing of your letter and pay attention to detail.

  • Demonstrate enthusiasm. Without making too much of it, the recruiter needs to understand that this particular position is your number 1 choice.

  • Make sure that the CV and the cover letter use the same fonts and colours so that they look consistent. Make them look as sober as possible so that the whole conveys the right message.

  • Write a custom cover letter for each application. As a recruiter, you’d want to make sure that the applicant has not just copied and pasted the letter they just sent to one of the company’s competitors. To prove your good faith, you can transcribe exact phrases from the job description.

  • Send a cover letter even if they are pretending that they are not expecting one. That is always a plus.

  • In addition to applying on the dedicated platform, e-mail your application directly to the hiring manager if possible. This will maximise your chances.

The Don’ts

  • Send a sloppy cover letter. Only send a cover letter if you are sure that it effectively supports your application in both form and content! You want to put yourself forward, not shoot yourself in the foot for lack of time (or effort) and miss a great internship opportunity.

  • Send a long cover letter. Recruiters do not always have time to go through each application, so you need to be concise. One page is the right length.

Example of a cover letter for an internship

You now have all the tips you need to write the perfect cover letter to show your motivation for your dream internship! But remember, a cover letter is important for any other job application. When looking for an apprenticeship, for example, your cover letter is crucial to stand out from other candidates. Learn how to write an effective cover letter for an apprenticeship to help you get the job!



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