Tips and Advice Before the Interview: How to Prepare Successfully
Know-it-all to prepare your application
This is it. You've decided to launch yourself.
The expression takes on its full meaning here. To "launch", as if it were an adventure, without really knowing how to go about it.
On the other hand, the objective is clear: to get the job of your dreams.
But before that, you must first send in your application, write your CV and a cover letter, and prepare for the interview.
Optimize your application
Towards the job interview
You have received a positive answer to your application. Quivering, between joy and panic, the questions are racing through your head:
how will the interview go? What questions will you be asked? What questions should you ask? What should you wear? In short, how can you stand out in the eyes of the recruiter? ... Don’t worry, we've got the answers.