What does a web developer do?


There are many opportunities on the job market for developers. Indeed, the proper functioning of a website relies on a web developer. Does this job seem a bit abstract to you? Learn more on the reality of web developing! Definition, missions, skills, training, salary… Everything is in our job tips!

1. What is a web developer?

The primary task of a web developer is to create web-based applications and services. The Web Developer is a multitasking programmer who masters various programming or scripting languages. The web developer can adapt to the various needs of a website, develop new features and maintain existing ones. The web developer creates, writes, tests, and documents websites, applications or software. To do that, the web developer writes code in programming or scripting languages to design customised websites and adapt existing technical solutions.

2. - What are the responsibilities of a web developer?

To fully grasp the job of a web developer, you can divide it into several steps. Each of them stands for successive missions:

  • Run a technical analysis, to identify, understand and analyse the needs of the end user;

  • Design a website, its architecture and its components;

  • Program a website, which means turn the customer’s requirements (the expectations of the client, of the direction, of the project manager) into technical requirements, using code to integrate them;

  • Run tests to check the different features are working well ;

  • Report the technical and functional documents to the client;

  • Monitor and fix the problems encountered during the process.

The responsibilities can be more or less varied and numerous depending on the organisation of the team, the production requirements and the technical challenges.

Hence there are three types of web developers:

  • Back-end developer: focused on the server. The back-end developer creates code and programs to power the server of the website, the databases and all the website’s applications.

  • Front-end developer: works on the visual design of the website and writes the code to integrate it on the web. The front-end developer also works on organic traffic (SEO), runs various tests (user, access...) and is responsible for a website’s performances.

  • Full-stack developer :combining the tasks mentioned above, the full-stack developer takes part in the creation and the maintenance of a website or an application. Skilled in all these missions, the full-stack developer may intervene on every creation stage of a website or an application, from development to production.

Finally, the web developer needs to stay up to date with the latest IT innovations, both technical and technological. The web developer can lead to choose the appropriate technologies to solve a specific problem.

3. What are the skills of a web developer?

A web developer must master:

  • One or more scripting or programming languages (PHP, SQL, Java, etc.);

  • Content management systems (CMS);

  • Versioning tools like Git;

  • Basic web technologies (JS, HTML, CSS).

As you can see, a web developer needs to have a substantial web culture!

4. What are the Soft Skills of a Web Developer

A web developer may have to work alone on a previously defined mission, so he/she needs to be independent in his/her work but still attentive to the expectations of the clients.
First, the web developer must master the scripting or programming languages used in web development (PHP, SQL, Java...) and different tools and software to create websites. However, the web developer also needs non-technical skills, interpersonal or organisational. These "soft skills" help one succeed as a web developer: synthetic and analytical mind, problem-solving, independence and resourcefulness will help the web developer to improve. Inquisitive, the web developer needs to be creative and self-taught through all his career to adapt to the latest trends and innovate to challenge competition.

5. What training is required to become a web developer?

We all know famous web developers who dropped out of school and still succeeded. However, if you think that you’re Mark Zuckerberg – you’re probably not. Luckily, there are many training courses to become a web developer. First, an initial specialisation in computer science is strongly recommended. Then you can choose between several university or college courses, such as Web Design and Development, Software Engineering, Digital media development.

In recent years, more and more online learning resources provide training to become a web developer. They allow you to build up your skills and knowledge in code with development missions, which can be very useful if you’re thinking about retraining.

6. What are the careers paths for a web developer?

After a few years of experience, the web developer has learned about the different jobs related to web developing. This is a considerable asset to find work and access other responsibilities.

The web developer can build up his/her skills and access new positions related to his/her technical background: web architect, senior web developer, technical expert.br/> The web developer can also gain more responsibility within a team or project: as a technical leader, for example, who manages one or more web developers.

7. What is the role of a web developer?

Hierarchy and colleagues
The web developer reports to the project manager of a web project, or to a technical manager (Chief technology officer, Production manager), or to the director of production, or to the IT or web manager.

Par ailleurs, dans le cadre de ses différentes missions il est amené à collaborer avec une équipe. Il collabore souvent avec un chef de projet ou un Product Owner, qui lui fournit un cahier des charges ou des directives fonctionnelles. Dans le cadre de la méthodologie agile, le développeur web peut également suivre les recommandations d'un Scrum Master.The web developer can also work with a Software Engineer , who also create software products, including web-based software.

Work environment
The web developer works normal office hours. However, he/she may have to work longer or irregular hours to meet deadlines.
The web developer is often seen sitting at a desk with two screens - one for the code and one to check the result on a web page.

8. What are the job opportunities for a web developer?

One of the advantages of being a web developer is that you will be needed in every sector: health, education, finance, bank, environment, law, video games, music, sport, etc.

Web developers are most of the time hired by startups, digital or marketing companies, e-shopping companies, software publishers, SMEs and banks. For instance, there are many web developers’s job offers at Societe Generale. Do not hesitate to consult them.

9 What is the salary of a web developer?

Self-employed or employee of a company, the web developer earns between:

  • The salary of a Junior Developer: €20-25K
  • The salary of an Experienced Developer: €25-35K
  • The salary of a Senior Developer: €35-60K

You get it; a web developer is highly sought after. Like every job, it has advantages and drawbacks. Attractive by its salary and compatible with remote work, web developer is a great job if you like to solve problems. However, web developer requires constant training, which can be hard to combine with a heavy workload and often tight deadlines.

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